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As we review the latest China search engine market share at the half year point of 2013, a few milestones have been reached.According to data from CNZZ, Baidu continues to maintain around 62-63% of utilization share.


Baidu’s market share increased in the second quarter, at one point reaching up to 67%, but the figure has since decreased back to the level it started on at the beginning of the year.


Baidu market share trends, 2013 Q1-Q2


In the meantime, other search engines have seen a lot of changes after the first two quarters. 360 Sou has reached its CEO’s half year goal of 15% share, but should find keeping on track with the yearend goal of 20% challenging.


Sogou, amidst rumors of acquisition, showed strong growth especially in the second quarter, and have broken the 10% market share mark. On the other hand, Google has been experiencing continuous decline on its share in desktop search, with the latest figure at only 2%.


According to data from StatCounter GlobalStat, Google still has close to 20% share in mobile search, but is being challenged by Baidu, with the company’s recent focus on mobile search.



Mobile search market share trend in China



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