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At the end of June 2011, Baidu introduced the new tool “SEO Suggestion” in its web analytics platform Baidu Tongji.  The tool is quite simple, and it is more like a SEO scoring system using 100 as the highest score. It will evaluate websites from 6 different aspects.


They are: URL length, parameters in the URL, completion of meta keywords and meta description, frames, text description for flash, and image ALT tags.


Baidu-Tonji-SEO-Suggestion (2)


All the aspects for this scoring system are all related to onsite SEO. Content relevancy and link profiles are not covered in this tool. Hopefully Baidu will keep updating this tool to provide us more comprehensive features to check website SEO performance in the future.


Here are some more explanations given by Baidu in relation to these 6 aspects:


URL length

Baidu suggests the URL better be less than 255 characters.


Parameters in URL

Using parameters in the URL might cause the spider to crawl the page repeatedly.


Completion of Meta Tags

The absence of meta descriptions and keywords might affect the presentation of the results and rankings. (Today, most of us will even leave meta keywords empty as we all believe it has almost no influence on rankings.


But Baidu still suggests the completion of meta descriptions and keywords is important. This is a quite interesting point.)



Using frames will cause crawling difficulty for the Baidu spider. It is better not to use frames.


Flash text description

Will help Baidu to better understand the flash content.


Image ALT tag

Having ALT tags for images will help with image indexation.



Invitation Code

At the moment, this “SEO Suggestion” tool requires an invitation code. The invitation code can be obtained from:


1) your PPC agent, if you are paying for Baidu PPC.


2) redeeming it by points, if you are a member of Baidu Union.


3) email your application to [email protected] , using “申请SEO建议” as the subject providing your website details, your baidu tongji username, email and phone number.




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