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HTML5 is the latest specification for HTML, and most web browsers with the latest version now have no problems supporting HTML5. When some companies now re-do their website, they tend to upgrade to HTML5. HTML5 is becoming more and more popular, as the programmers feel that the old W3C HTML standard does not cater to their real world development needs. In HTML5, there are a lot of new attributes and tags which can be used for SEO as well. I will use couple of blog posts to share The Egg’s SEO standards in HTML5.1.     Javascript must be placed in external files, the code must be placed before </head> or </body>.

2.     CSS must be placed in external files, and the code must be placed before </head> as well as before the JavaScript code.

3.     Do not use these elements: applet、basefont、center、dir、font、isindex、menu、s、strike、u、xmp.

4.     Follow xhtml 1.0 standard:

1)        Use lower case for tag name in all elements.

2)        There must be a value assigned for tag property, for example:

<input checked=”checked”>

<input readonly=”readonly”>

<input disabled=”disabled”>

<option selected=”selected”>

3)          All the elements should be closed (special attention to p and li);

5.     Elements such as meta, link, br, img, input should be closed with a slash at the end (e.g. <br />).

All the form elements (such as input、select、textarea, except for button) must define name property.

6.     Page structure should not rely on Javescript. With Javascript forbidden, the page still be can be displayed normally, for example, user still can see the second level navigations.

7.     Must claim the DOCTYPE at the top of the page. Page must have html, head and body element. Title element must be included in <head> element. Below is a sample structure of standard HTML5 page

<!dotype html>

<html lang=”zh-ch”>


<meta charset=”utf-8”>

<title>Page Title</title>

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=””>

<script src=””></script>





In the next article, we will share more practices in HTML5.

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